Monday, October 3, 2011

The Big Day

I'm just about ready to go - have to be at the hospital at 1:20, surgery at 3:20.  I am super hungry...and very clean!  Had to take special decontamination shower last night, and will take another shortly.

Also want to say how grateful I am for all the calls, emails and comments; I have a pretty awesome posse of family and friends.  I very much appreciate each and every one.

If everything goes as expected, I'll be back home tomorrow.  Meanwhile you all have a great day, think positive thoughts!

(Happy Birthday Pam)

1 comment:

Pam said...

I am hoping that all went well for you today. You are too funny wishing me a happy birthday. We were watching meerkat manor last night and I thinking about you.

I'm waiting anxiousley for your next blog update.

Love, Pam